
Almay One Coat Dial Up
Age: 18 and up   Skin: Normal/Dry, Fair    Hair: Dark Brown   Eyes: Hazel

This mascara was an okay purchase. It has 3 different levels that you can choose from, 1 is for a more natural day look, 2 helps create a little thicker lash, and 3 is for a more extreme going out type of look. I found that I really liked this product on the 1-2 level because it goes on very well and really gave my lashes a little more of a lift. Unfortunately I like to wear a lot of mascara and found it was hard to build up after the mascara has started to dry on lashes, kind of forming clumps you have to pick off with your hands. But if you start at level 2 as a base then apply the level 3 I found it works much better. Also it stays on pretty well and unless your rubbing your eyes it tends to not flake. Added bonus I got this mascara for around $6 (not to shabby for a new product). Overall I'd give this product a 6.7 out 10