Monday, February 21, 2011

Health Alert

-I don't know if it's just that time of year where everyone gets very aware of summer time quickly approaching but I feel like the health bug has bitten me! -I always try to cook as healthy as possible but ever since I moved out to school I have not worked out more then walking up and down the stairs to my apartment...needless to say, I'm not rocking the Victoria Secret model body.
 -So for the next few months my goals are not to starve myself by any means (I'm not trying to lose any weight) but to shape up and get toned as well as getting my body as healthy as it can be!
-Also some things that have been brought to my attention is that most people worry about their diet and body but forget about skin skin skin!! I was washing my face the other day and after my skin was dry and just looked like it was sad that I had just put chemicals on it! Yikes, we do every thing we can to be "all" natural but then don't do the same for our skin, which is something that can deceive your age more than anything.
-So I have made it my personal mission to try to find natural face washes as well as making some of my own personal remedies!

Oatmeal Honey Mask 1/3 cup of regular or fast cook oatmeal (1-3 minutes)
¼ cup of honey
½ cup of water

Mix the water and the oatmeal together, and cook. Then, set the oatmeal aside to cool and thicken. As it is cooling, mix in the ¼ cup of honey. Once the mask is well mixed and cool, apply a thin even layer to the skin.

Be careful when applying this mask around the eyes. Though completely safe, the oatmeal can cause slight eye irritation. Better yet, place a used tea bag over the eyelids to reduce any redness or eye irritation.

The way this mask works is simple. The oatmeal in the mask is the primary “active” ingredient. It works to absorb excess oil on the skin and in the pores. Oatmeal will also help remove excess skin cells, and exfoliate the skin!

Dry Skin quick pick-me up!
Honey is a humectant, which means that it is very good at attracting moisture and retaining it. Putting honey on your skin will not be very effective at clearing up your skin, but it will help it to stay moisturized and keep your skin from flaking. Honey will also provide a temporary glow when applied to your skin and left on for 5 or 10 minutes
Acne-be-gone!If you're looking for a natural way to clear up your acne, I recommend that you spread a raw egg white over your face and allow it to dry. It's high in vitamin A, and is excellent for tightening your pores. But remember to moisturize afterward, this treatment can leave your face feeling tight.

All of these ingredients are probably things most people already have in their kitchen or pantry, so not only are we being healthy and body conscious girls, we are being thrifty!!


  1. Just what I needed to hear this morning! My face looks like an OLD LADY :(

  2. I think we need to switch al! i work out decently enough but as far as eating healthy...pppffffttt. not so much! i need to find some will power in my bones!

  3. Love this post Al! Totally up my alley. I'll definitely be trying out the honey oat mask!! You can also scrub with olive oil and white sugar. Sugar gets the dead skin off, and the caffeine makes your skin look good and the olive oil moisturizes.
